Friday 14 December 2012

Mini Research Reflective Journal

The mini research has become a starter for me who never done a research before, by doing this research I was given a chance to practice all the step that were taught before. And I become clearer about the way to find the descriptive statistic, confidence interval, and the hypothesis test from a data. The topic we have done is about the average household annual income in 2010 and 2011 of the 30 chosen countries. From the histogram of that we created based from the data, we found out that the most of the amount of the household annual income was forty thousand to fifty thousand US dollars and the average itself was about thirty six thousand US dollars. But due to lack of strong evidences, so we were not certain that our data were hundred percent accurate. We collected the data from online database which is on the Taylor library website (euromonitor) which is taught before on the Literacy Library workshop.
As my partner and me did this mini research assignment.  I was aware that doing a research is not an easy task to do; we need to do many searching and confirming data in order to get a certain result. But we still not so professional on it so what we have done are the best we can do. Hopefully we can do better on a more accurate data so we can provide a trustable research result.

Friday 7 December 2012

Management Reflective Journal

In our lives there are many important goals we need to achieve. They consist of both long term and short-term goals. Through this course I have discovered what constitutes both these goals. I have also learned about the different methods of control and how to apply these two concepts to my daily life.
I have identified and set several goals for several aspects of my life. I have set two short-term goals for my academics and family life. For my academics, my short-term goal is to get at least a distinction in all my university courses. This is a specific goal and will. My goal for family life is to make my parents proud. This is a directional goal as there s no specific definition as to how to achieve this. To do this I will make sure I do well in my academics and internships. I have also set a long-term goal for my life, which is to get a successful career after graduating from university. This is again another directional goal as there is no fixed definition of what a successful career is. But I will assume that a successful career is one, which commands respect and a decent pay. This is going to be a lot more difficult to achieve than the short-term goals because the path towards a successful career is not so straightforward. But I will try my best to make sure I succeed.
This course also taught me the different methods and concepts of control. There are several aspects of my life that I feel, need control. The first aspect of my life that I will apply this to is my studies. Not only have friends told me but I have also realized myself that I am always running late on assignments and revision. This requires immediate corrective action to fix so that I can succeed in my academics. I will start being more punctual when keeping to assignment deadlines. I will also start revision work earlier before exams to make sure I am fully prepared. I will also attend all my lectures and tutorials and go to lecturers if I have problems. I will also start to look for my friends to help me with my studies. I hope that with these methods of control I can succeed in my academics. I will continue to apply methods of control over my life whenever my performance deviates from what is needed to achieve my goals.
Through this course I have been able to identify and set goals for many aspects of my life. I have also learnt controlling methods to control my life and make sure I make positive strides towards these goals. These lessons I feel will continue to be an important part of my life as I grow and encounter new obstacles and life’s challenges.

Reflective Journal Accounting

Accounting has been a tough module, not just for me, but also for most of the students. Through 13 weeks studying accounting module, I think the one I still lack is on the accuracy. I always feel that what I have done on the first is different with the second one, especially on the balance sheet. The results at the total always unbalance. So every time I do a balance sheet, I will redo and balance it for temporary in every single account. For the final exams preparation, I will keep doing exercises to train myself to be aware if I face different kind of questions. Hopefully I can do well in the exams. God bless me.

Saturday 17 November 2012

accounting reflective journal(mid term exam)

About the mid term exam, it was quite difficult on the input the data for journal part. I got confused on it since I am not really understood about the question that have a sales on debit or credit, I have forgotten already. I used so half an hour for that part on my second attempt. The time that given was so short, it even not enough. At the second attempt I did it quickly so I have more time to do the journal part. I think I need to do more exercise for the accounting so I can score good marks on it.

Friday 9 November 2012

Microeconomics reflective journal

Microeconomics is one of my modules for this semester. Basically what I have learnt from this module is the definition of some economics and put it on the graphs. Besides that, we were given some examples related to the cases that happened on the society with the lesson we have been taught on the tutorial. On the lesson one until lesson three we were taught about economics basic definition, demand and supply, and the elasticity that I have learned before on the high school. The things that different is the way to understand it, now as a degree student I must use English to understand the lesson; usually back on my hometown I used to use Indonesian to absorb any lesson on the study. It was a little hard at the first, but now I think I am slightly better than before, hopefully I can be at a level that the teachers wished in the future.

On the fourth, fifth, and the sixth lesson, I can honestly say that the real problem came. I was so hard to understand about the short run and long run but thanks to Alexis (one of the world scholarship student that live on the same apartment with me) I can understand about it clearer than before. He just taught me that to differentiate about long run and short run is long run only has the variable cost and only on the short run it has something called fixed cost. He also told me that actually long run also got the fixed cost which are the factors of production. On these lecture I also learnt about the EOS (economic of scales) and the DOS (diseconomies of scales) which can determined why is an average cost on the long run is decrease or increase.

The next few chapters that are lecture seventh, eighth, ninth, and tenth is all about the market competition. I was taught that market competitions are divided into many markets like for example monopoly and oligopoly. Monopoly, each times I heard that word, it keeps remembering me of the monopoly board game I used to play. It was very fun; if you are rich enough you will try to buy as many land as you can in order to conquer the whole game; you can confiscate your friend’s houses and lands whenever they stepped on your area and cannot paying the bills. That is where I got the definition of the monopoly, but if we compare to the lecture taught, there is no big difference; the meaning are basically the same, just on the lecture it is more economic which on the board game it is more social because people can understand easier.

That all about my experience on learning Microeconomics module, hopefully I can maximize what I have learnt on the university and contribute it to the society. I also wish that the lecturer would try their best on teaching their student so they can understand whole the topic they are talking about. I would suggest some games on that related to microeconomics, I think it can make the lesson seem more interesting.

Tuesday 23 October 2012

English For Business Purpose Reflective Journal

Academic integrity, this thing really make me have a hard time when doing the first assignment on Taylor, I was forced to be really honest and responsible on my assignments to avoid plagiarism. We cannot copy even a single sentence except we quote it. We need to paraphrase, referencing, summary and all other more where I usually did it less before. Because before came to Taylor my school at Indonesia, they didn’t really more focus on the citation and the references where most of the information are from Wikipedia and we just copy paste it without paraphrasing.
When I did my first assignment I had been confused and stunned on doing it, it was really difficult and different from what I have learnt before. The requirement was so high strict. When I was doing an assignment, it was like final exam to me. It was much more harder than I predicted. More over, English, I still lack of vocabulary and how to use meaningful words on the right place. After the first assignment, I have been telling myself that I should read more books and news, practice to write more essays because if I don’t, I really cannot handle with the assignment given by the teacher.  For now, it is still hard for me, but I think I will become more used to it.
The teacher insisted on us to use the Havard Referencing system on doing assignment, which is one of the hardest part for me on doing the first assignment. I need to read, compare and paraphrase sentences on every book I read related to my assignment. I usually seldom read books, so from today on I have been telling myself to make library as my favourite place so I can stay there and read some more books to expand my knowledge. For me who never used to did that but this is because for my own good too so I need to bear it.
            I think what Taylor’s do is that is the reason why I choose studying there too. Maybe for them it is really important to adhere the rule of academic integrity because the originality of a single hard work should be respected. That’s why the integrity exist, and I think if one day I becoming an author of a book, I won’t wish that my works are copied by other people without reference it. So I can understand why Taylor’s did that for past few years and still using it until today. I hope this way of learning will let us, students learn how to be proud of ourselves on our work and later on the future market world, we won’t lose our own creativity to the others and we can deliver each of our originality to the world.