Friday 7 December 2012

Management Reflective Journal

In our lives there are many important goals we need to achieve. They consist of both long term and short-term goals. Through this course I have discovered what constitutes both these goals. I have also learned about the different methods of control and how to apply these two concepts to my daily life.
I have identified and set several goals for several aspects of my life. I have set two short-term goals for my academics and family life. For my academics, my short-term goal is to get at least a distinction in all my university courses. This is a specific goal and will. My goal for family life is to make my parents proud. This is a directional goal as there s no specific definition as to how to achieve this. To do this I will make sure I do well in my academics and internships. I have also set a long-term goal for my life, which is to get a successful career after graduating from university. This is again another directional goal as there is no fixed definition of what a successful career is. But I will assume that a successful career is one, which commands respect and a decent pay. This is going to be a lot more difficult to achieve than the short-term goals because the path towards a successful career is not so straightforward. But I will try my best to make sure I succeed.
This course also taught me the different methods and concepts of control. There are several aspects of my life that I feel, need control. The first aspect of my life that I will apply this to is my studies. Not only have friends told me but I have also realized myself that I am always running late on assignments and revision. This requires immediate corrective action to fix so that I can succeed in my academics. I will start being more punctual when keeping to assignment deadlines. I will also start revision work earlier before exams to make sure I am fully prepared. I will also attend all my lectures and tutorials and go to lecturers if I have problems. I will also start to look for my friends to help me with my studies. I hope that with these methods of control I can succeed in my academics. I will continue to apply methods of control over my life whenever my performance deviates from what is needed to achieve my goals.
Through this course I have been able to identify and set goals for many aspects of my life. I have also learnt controlling methods to control my life and make sure I make positive strides towards these goals. These lessons I feel will continue to be an important part of my life as I grow and encounter new obstacles and life’s challenges.

Reflective Journal Accounting

Accounting has been a tough module, not just for me, but also for most of the students. Through 13 weeks studying accounting module, I think the one I still lack is on the accuracy. I always feel that what I have done on the first is different with the second one, especially on the balance sheet. The results at the total always unbalance. So every time I do a balance sheet, I will redo and balance it for temporary in every single account. For the final exams preparation, I will keep doing exercises to train myself to be aware if I face different kind of questions. Hopefully I can do well in the exams. God bless me.