Thursday 20 June 2013

Macroeconomic Reflective Journal

Macroeconomics has been the hardest subject I taken this semester. Honestly, it really a hard time understood these. I even sometimes just nodding my head but my brain is still thinking how does it comes from. Because maybe my brain is a little bit slow so I need time to analyze the process of the moving AD/AS curve. By the moment I understood, next week I forgot everything again.
            During the media assignment, I was helped a lot by my friend who is really good in economics. He teaches me again from start, I really thank him. But the problem is, now to recall what is AD/AS curve I really don’t understand again. I don’t want to trouble my friend again so I just let it be. On the media assignment, I was totally doing it by following the rewind of Miss Mala’s lecture. And I just wrote up anything miss Mala did because that’s what my friend told me. I know you will ask me, why I don’t ask the lecturer or tutorial, there is a feeling of awkwardness if I went to ask the lecturer, and I can’t really express my curiosity on the class, moreover in the consultation hours, I don’t feel any comfort except my friend is the one who explaining. I will also ended up nodding my head only while my brain is still thinking if I really went to consultation hours. I tried to read the notes and watch the lectures rewind, and it did help a bit, but there are still many questions in my mind I couldn’t speak out. I did write some notes on my notebook but when I open it again, I just feel blank again.
            This is not the first time having hard time on economic, on the first semester, I able to pass the microeconomic because I didn’t sleep the night before exam and keep doing the practice again and again so I could remember until tomorrow. And after the exams, honestly my brain was totally blank about economics when I woke up from my sleep. And I think I will do it again on this semester. I think until the exam coming I’ll pardon my friend to teach me again. I really want to apologize with Mr. Anthony, he did a good job in the class, it’s just I don’t quite catch up with him. I always thinking that I can’t be selfish to take everyone’s time and want the tutor explaining the same thing again and again, that’s why my pop quiz was a blank, and I didn’t write a thing because my mind was blank. But actually I did revise the lectures slides before attending the tutorial. For other subject, i still able to reflect them based on the notes, but this one is really i don't know what to reflect about, i don't even understand the material, i think i just reflected about myself here.