Tuesday 23 October 2012

English For Business Purpose Reflective Journal

Academic integrity, this thing really make me have a hard time when doing the first assignment on Taylor, I was forced to be really honest and responsible on my assignments to avoid plagiarism. We cannot copy even a single sentence except we quote it. We need to paraphrase, referencing, summary and all other more where I usually did it less before. Because before came to Taylor my school at Indonesia, they didn’t really more focus on the citation and the references where most of the information are from Wikipedia and we just copy paste it without paraphrasing.
When I did my first assignment I had been confused and stunned on doing it, it was really difficult and different from what I have learnt before. The requirement was so high strict. When I was doing an assignment, it was like final exam to me. It was much more harder than I predicted. More over, English, I still lack of vocabulary and how to use meaningful words on the right place. After the first assignment, I have been telling myself that I should read more books and news, practice to write more essays because if I don’t, I really cannot handle with the assignment given by the teacher.  For now, it is still hard for me, but I think I will become more used to it.
The teacher insisted on us to use the Havard Referencing system on doing assignment, which is one of the hardest part for me on doing the first assignment. I need to read, compare and paraphrase sentences on every book I read related to my assignment. I usually seldom read books, so from today on I have been telling myself to make library as my favourite place so I can stay there and read some more books to expand my knowledge. For me who never used to did that but this is because for my own good too so I need to bear it.
            I think what Taylor’s do is that is the reason why I choose studying there too. Maybe for them it is really important to adhere the rule of academic integrity because the originality of a single hard work should be respected. That’s why the integrity exist, and I think if one day I becoming an author of a book, I won’t wish that my works are copied by other people without reference it. So I can understand why Taylor’s did that for past few years and still using it until today. I hope this way of learning will let us, students learn how to be proud of ourselves on our work and later on the future market world, we won’t lose our own creativity to the others and we can deliver each of our originality to the world.

Monday 22 October 2012

Accounting Reflective Journal

The first semester of taking introduction of accounting I think this module is hard, but I think it will be easy if I pay attention on it. If I don’t understand what the teachers are saying, I can’t do anything. Besides that, we must do every single account accurately and look over all the accounts closely to make sure we didn’t misplace it. I can say that I certainly need this module on the future because by learning accounting I can look through accounts so I do understand what is really happening, is it a gain or a loss.