Monday 10 June 2013

BC Business Report & MIS Video Group Assignment Reflective Journal

BC Business Report Reflective Journal

Before I do this assignment, I hope that I could learn how to write a business report in the future. Since I am an International Business student, I supposed to be known for how to write a good business report. And yes, I did learnt how to generate a good business report now because I am the final compiler so, I read through everything and yeah it was done. I would really hope that it comes to be useful for the company itself and for other purposes.
By the process of doing this assignment, I realized that it is not just about writing a report, but we are looking deeper into how is this company able survive in the market, what makes it able to compete with another company in the same industries. And there is a thing that I grasped when we did the interview, which is the manager himself didn’t advertise his product through media instead he believe the most powerful advertisement is through word of mouth. He relied 100% on this free of charge strategy, and through that he can save a lot of cost and divert the money to the labor which he also trust the one that generates the sales for the restaurant itself.
When we organizing the business report assignment, most of the things are smoothly going on. One thing that I found hard is the recommendations for the problems. Recommendations could be found on Internet, but it were not really can be useful, because we need to consider about the situation we are facing, and yet the ability of the company to do so; that's why I think we need to spend more time on this part.
At the end of the day, we did come up with some recommendations that we have been thinking some time but there is one problem we cannot suggest any recommendation because it is out of our control which is the price of the rent known to be very high and it were increasing each year. We did think very hard for this and search for the answer anywhere online but it result nothing really helpful. So we just decided not to give any suggestion.
Another issue is a small issue that everybody faces, the teamwork of the group is nowhere to be seen. There is small confrontation during doing this assignment, but we all forget it like it never happens.

MIS Group Video Assignment Reflective Journal

In this module, I have learnt many things about the ways companies managing their systems and the how the applications work. The lectures are interesting, just the problem is, there are too many words presented, that’s why sometimes, we will be distracted by our own technologies. For the tutorials, I will say that it was awesome; I had a good time in the class. Mr. Ho is humorist and I think he is the one who bring up the atmosphere in the class with his jokes.
            When doing the group assignment, I found it was very interesting and fun. It was different with another assignments. Other assignments can bring me stress and pressure but this assignment I did it happily. I think this video assignment is very suitable with our habit, which is something that is related with technology. I can expand my skill of taking video and edit them. Besides I can put in my creativity in the short video. When I did the video, I think there is no big problem occurs when we doing it. It just maybe some of the students don’t own a very modern devices and technology. Luckily it doesn’t happen on us, although our team doesn’t own any video camera, but I did manage to borrow a DSLR from my friend.    
I think this assignment is the fastest assignment I have done if compared to another assignment. I didn’t feel bored during the filming and editing instead we have laughed so hard because of the awkwardness. I think for the next semester student, the lectures should give them this assignment also, I’m sure they will enjoy this assignment. I hope in another course also giving interesting assignments, because honestly as a student I hate all the essays writing and reading. I would love assignments that assign us to practice with something new and work using all of our body parts instead of facing the computers and come up with some paragraph of sentences.
            What I can relate from this assignment to the module is, I found that managing information we got and digest it into something really cool and useful really important. About how to maximize the information and use it for business purpose is the objective of this module, which is I think we have achieved a small part of it. We used the technology to create a video that is promoting an application for business purpose. By creating this short video, we can show the viewer how our application works and what are the advantages of it. When the viewer watched it, they will buy the application to give them flexibility and relaxed way of doing something important.
            For the overall, yes I did enjoy this assignment very much. Look forward to get assigned in something interesting. That’s all for my Management Information System Reflective Journal.

for you guys who want to watch the video. the video will be uploaded soon, thanks

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